The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein



Weekly theme

Topic of the lesson

Social and cognitive acquisitions

Access the lesson


Welcome to the kindergarten/Myself

Sets of objects

Counting (1-5)
Create sets and label them with the correct numeral (1-5)
Recognize the properties of objects (size, length, shape, height, colour), and conduct activities such as sorting, ordering and sequencing
Use the appropriate language of measurement to describe, compare and order: length, size, mass, height


My kindergarten

Shapes/geometrical figures

Recognize and draw the four basic geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle)
Sort sets of objects by shape.
See, analyze, manipulate, and match different shapes (to words)
Distinguish between different shapes
Identify, copy, create and represent shapes


Nature’s calendar

Sorting sets of objects by one attribute

Identify and define attributes (size, shape, colour, length)
Distinguish between attributes
See, analyze, manipulate, and match objects by one attribute
Sort objects having the same shape but different lengths/width/size


Seasons: Autumn

Quantitative ratios in pairs (as many as/more/few)

Comparing sets of objects
Compare quantities by estimating, weighing, and measuring.
Compare measurements and correctly use the terms shorter, longer, taller, heavier, warmer, more, less, etc
Develop a ‘mental number line’—a spatial representation of quantity that helps them reason about which is more and how much more.


My family and my home

Creating groups of objects/geometrical figures sharing two common attributes

Determining the sequence of a repetitive model
Comparing the quantity by forming pairs; observing the quantitative ratio (all of them...)
Creating pairs of items of the same kind
Comparison of quantity by separating the set with few elements


My body/ Health: nutrition

Creating groups of objects/geometrical figures  sharing three common attributes .

Recognize the four attributes, classify parts according to them and represent them by drawing.
Operations of sorting, classifying, ordering, objects by dimensions (length, height, width, width, thickness)


Fruit and vegetables

Location/ Space

Positions (Inside and Outside, Above and Below, Beside and Next To, Left and Right, Left, Middle and Right, Top and Bottom, Top, Middle and Bottom)
Demonstrate an understanding of positional relationships (above, below, more, less, top, bottom, before, after, middle, left, right)
Practice their spatial vocabulary (e.g., "in front of" and "around"), think about distance and direction, and explore perspective-taking
Spatial orientation skills describing positions in space or follow  directions


My body/ Health: personal hygiene and personal safety practices

Ascending and descending order

Order the elements in groups in ascending and descending order 1-5


My daily programme

Ordinal numeral 1-5

Order the elements in groups in ascending and descending order 1-5


Senses/ Feelings
True stories (personalities, artists, writers, etc)

Count to 6

a) Count (up to 6)
b) Count Dots (up to 6)
c) Count Shapes (up to 6)
d) Count Objects (up to 6)
e) Represent Numbers (up to 6)


Domestic Animals

Composing and decomposing number 6.

Put two parts together to make a whole
Break down numbers into their sub-parts.


Wild animals

Addition and subtraction operations 1-6

Add and subtract to and from 6 using manipulatives (items that can be picked up, such as pieces of candy)
Do simple addition and subtraction problems to 6


Seasons: Winter

Count to 7

a) Count (up to 7)
b) Count Dots (up to 7)
c) Count Shapes (up to 7)
d) Count Objects (up to 7)
e) Represent Numbers (up to 7



Composing and decomposing number 7.

Put two parts together to make a whole
Break down numbers into their sub-parts.



Addition and subtraction operations 1-7

Recognizing that numbers (or sets of objects) can be combined or separated to make another number.
Add and subtract to and from 7 using manipulatives (items that can be picked up, such as pieces of candy)
Do simple addition and subtraction problems to 7


Games & Sports

Count to 8

a) Count (up to 8)
b) Count Dots (up to 8)
c) Count Shapes (up to 8)
d) Count Objects (up to 8)
e) Represent Numbers (up to 8)


An extinct world - Dinosaurs

Composing and decomposing number 8

Put two parts together to make a whole
Break down numbers into their sub-parts.


My city/village

Addition and subtraction operations 1-8

Comparing the quantity by forming pairs; observing the quantitative ratio (all of them...)
Add and subtract to and from 8 using manipulatives (items that can be picked up, such as pieces of candy)
Do simple addition and subtraction problems to 8
Overall comparison of quantity by separating the set with few-elements  from the many-element set


My country

Count to 9

a) Count (up to 9)
b) Count Dots (up to 9
c) Count Shapes (up to 9)
d) Count Objects (up to 9)
e) Represent Numbers (up to 9)


Seasons: Spring

Composing and decomposing number 9

The ability to put two parts together to make a whole
The ability to break down numbers into their sub-parts.


Plants and gardens

Addition and subtraction operations 1-9

Add and subtract to and from 9 using manipulatives (items that can be picked up, such as pieces of candy)
Do simple addition and subtraction problems to 9



Count to 10

a) Count (up to 10)
b) Count Dots (up to 10)
c) Count Shapes (up to 10)
d) Count Objects (up to 10)
e) Represent Numbers (up to 10)


Musical instruments

Composing and decomposing number 10

Take two lesser numbers and combine them to make a greater whole number
Take a whole number and break it into two smaller parts.
Break apart a given number and put it back together again
Put two parts together to make a whole
Break down numbers into their sub-parts.


My planet

Addition and subtraction operations 1-10

Do simple addition and subtraction problems to 10
Recognize and write numbers (anywhere from 0-10)
Name ordinal numbers first through tenth
Show sequencing to 10
Demonstrate 1 to 1 correspondence to 10 by pointing to each object as it is counted
Count backward from 10


The secrets of the universe

Ascending and descending order from 1-10

Recite number names in order, initially to 5, then to 10 consistently
Recall what number is missing in a number line 1 to 10
Recognise numerals initially to 5 and then to 10 and begin to order them
Order the elements in  groups in ascending and descending order 1-10


Seasons: Summer

Set operations: union of sets,  intersection of sets, difference of sets

Recognize that the intersection of a number of sets is all the elements that are shared between those sets
Define and describe
Become familiar with basic operations like addition, subtraction


True stories (personalities, heroes, etc)

Understanding the natural number

Read, represent and record numbers in a variety of ways up to 10 using objects, pictures, words and numerals



+ language acquisitions related to topic.
Divide the whole into halves/quarters

Compare quantities by estimating, weighing, and measuring.
Identify half versus whole.
Separate whole to parts then back to whole
• partition small numbers (part, part, whole)
• subitize small quantities of objects or standard patterns on a die
• compare collections of objects and describe whether there is more, less, the same or not the same


What I would like to be/Jobs


Identify coins
Count coins


Plans for the future

Time-telling the clock

Appreciate the passage of time based on the reading of the clock
- use the watch;
- can tell the timeto the hour and half hour
Measure time:
-duration of an action
-the sequence in time

The PreEdTech project

“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”.

Programme: Erasmus+
Action Type: KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school Education
Field: School Education
Project Title: Improving the Pedagogical and ICT skills of Pre-School Teachers and Educators in the Digital Era (PreEdTech)
Project No.:2021-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000027894
Project Period: 01-12-2021 - 30.11.2023