The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Environmental Education


Weekly theme

Topic of the lesson

Social and cognitive acquisitions

Access the lesson


Welcome to the kindergarten/Myself

The young ecologists

Identify ways in which they can care for and show respect for the environment.

Participate in environmentally friendly experiences in the classroom and the schoolyard .

Show willingness to participate in environmental care and protection actions, applying the knowledge acquired.


My kindergarten


A walk in the school garden

Become familiar with the kindergarten environment.

Learn to love and protect nature (observation- school garden).

Know and set a personal example for maintaining a clean and healthy environment.

Maintain order and cleanliness of activity, play and living spaces (park, kindergarten, front of the block).


Nature’s calendar

A walk in the park

Identify characteristic elements of phenomena/relationships in the immediate environment.

Look for leaves of the same colour/shape/size.


Seasons: Autumn

Nature in autumn

Associate autumn with changes in the climate and environment

Explore the environment, collect and gather materials from nature (leaves, acorns, cones, twigs, seeds, pebbles, etc.) for later use.

Observe autumn elements/characteristics (Checklist -autumn items)


My family and my home

Our neighbourhood, the cleanest

Respect environmental protection rules and regulations

Respect the rules of social coexistence, showing a civilized behaviour in relations with the environment.

Show willingness to participate in environmental care and protection actions, applying the knowledge acquired.

Know and set a personal example for maintaining a clean and healthy environment.

Maintain order and cleanliness of activity, play and living spaces (park, kindergarten, front of their house).


My body/ Health: nutrition

Healthy food observation

Body care

Getting familiar with food groups

Sorting food according to food groups

 Creating their food plate


Fruit and vegetables

Where do fruits come from?

Understand that eating fruit and vegetables is an important part of a healthy diet.

Observe fruit and vegetables.

Plan a school vegetable garden.


My body/ Health: personal hygiene and personal safety practices

I take care of myself

Develop personal care and hygiene skills

Develop the ability to explore and investigate human nature

Develop a basic understanding of health and safety, and have a sense of self-protection


My daily programme

The importance of movement and rest - Natural factors that ensure the health of the body

Develop a basic understanding of health and safety and have a sense of self-protection.

Develop the concept of time: learning the sequence of daily activities


Senses/ Feelings

True stories (personalities, artists, writers, etc)

What happens if we don't care?

Express care and love for the environment through individual and group activities.

Identifying negative human interventions on the environment

Take a positive attitude in case of negative human interventions on the environment.

Know and set a personal example for maintaining a clean and healthy environment.

Maintain order and cleanliness of activity, play and living spaces (park, kindergarten, front of their house).


Domestic Animals

Animals on the farm/Pets

Identify animal components (name, description, benefits)

Identify ways of caring for animals.

Identify the benefits of domestic animals: dogs, cats, cows, etc.

Identify people’s responsibilities towards domestic animals


Wild animals

Forests and wild animals

Cultivate interest in wildlife research

Identify animals(name, description)

Realize what the environment means and how we can protect nature


Seasons: Winter

Nature seen through the eyes of children

Identify the characteristic elements of phenomena/ relationships in the immediate environment

Observe winter elements/characteristics (Checklist -winter items)



Ecological toys and decorations

Develop children's interest in making decorations from recyclable materials.

Make decorations from recyclable materials.

Understand that beautiful objects can also be made from recycled materials.




Which of the means of transport pollutes the most in cities?

Identify some sources of air pollution

Find solutions


Games & Sports

Pollution and its effects

Identify pollution sources - observe the influence of pollutants on the various components of the environment;

Understand the need to protect the environment.

Identify aggressive behaviour towards the environment and take action against it;

Be aware of the negative effects of careless behaviour on the environment


An extinct world

Our waste

Collect, sort and recycle our waste

Perceive the existence of interactions between man and the environment.

Identify some sources of pollution in the environment.


My city/village

Reduce, reuse, recycle

Collect rubbish in special places

Sort waste according to category

Identify ways of  recycling waste

Understand that beautiful objects can also be made from recycled materials.


My country

Mysteries and wonders of nature!


Show interest and curiosity in nature


Seasons: Spring

A flower, a child

Get engaged in activities designed to help plant and care for plants.


Observe spring elements/characteristics (Checklist -spring items)

Take care of plants at the kindergarten and at home


Plants and gardens

From Seed to Plant - experiment

Describe features of the natural and social environment;

Observe over a given period of time, a particular process (growth of a plant)

Communicate the results of investigations within the group;

Take responsibility for the care of his/her immediate environment




Fresh and clean water 

Who pollutes the water?

Understand the effects of plastic pollution on the environment

Understand the role that water plays in our lives

Identify sources of water pollution

Understand the effects of pollution Understand how to use waterwisely

Save water at the kindergarten and at home


Musical instruments

Passing things on- recycling plastic

Concert- Play instruments made from recycled plastic objects


My planet

Trees and forests

Identify the component parts of the tree.

Recognise and identify a variety of trees by general appearance, leaf and name.

Protect the forest and the environment in order to develop the competence to show concern for correct behaviour in relation to the natural and social environment.

Cultivate the ability to cooperate in order to protect the environment


The secrets of the universe

Save the earth!

Recognise different aspects of environmental pollution;

Identify solutions to solve the different situations presented;

Save water/energy

Identify ways of recycling plastic


Seasons: Summer

In the world of birds

Identify characteristic elements of phenomena/relationships in the immediate environment

Observe summer elements/characteristics (Checklist -summer items)

Recognise the importance of birds for nature and man

Make birdhouses for our wintering birds using recyclable materials.


True stories (personalities, heroes, etc)

The earth’s day – advice from the young ecologists

Develop environmental care and protection skills through selection and

proper waste disposal

Identify practical solutions for the use of reusable materials



Curiosities from the world of plants and animals

Show interest and curiosity in nature.

Cultivate interest in nature.

Realize what the environment means and how we can protect nature.

Show love, interest and care for plants and animals.


What I would like to be/Jobs

World Environment Day

Explore and learn how to protect the environment and nature.

Adopt an environmentally friendly behaviour and a proactive attitude when they find themselves in situations where they can protect nature.

Show willingness to participate in environmental care and protection actions, applying the knowledge acquired.


Plans for the future

Nature and art

Make decorations from recyclable materials.

Understand that beautiful objects can also be made from recycled materials.

The PreEdTech project

“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”.

Programme: Erasmus+
Action Type: KA220-SCH - Cooperation partnerships in school Education
Field: School Education
Project Title: Improving the Pedagogical and ICT skills of Pre-School Teachers and Educators in the Digital Era (PreEdTech)
Project No.:2021-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000027894
Project Period: 01-12-2021 - 30.11.2023